There Are Lot of Invertebrate Traces in Your Cup of Tea
We biological beings are messy things, leaving bits of our former selves behind everywhere we go – even in the air . This trail of self includes various secretions like saliva, discarded waste. and our constantly shedding outer layers like dead skin cells – many of which contain our unique DNA signatures. Bugs are no exception. From spiders to beetles, invertebrates also leave a snail trail of evidence in their wake – including over any growing tea leaves they may have munched on or even just brushed by. Scientists have just detected evidence of a staggering 1,200 different species of invertebrates in only 40 samples of dried teas and herbs. "What really surprised me was the high diversity we detected," Trier University ecological geneticist Henrik Krehenwinkel told Shawna Williams at The Scientist. "We found in green tea up to 400 species of insects in a sin...